I had a hell of a time getting my camera working this week. I bought new batteries, figuring that would solve my problems-- but no. My laptop no longer recognizes it. First I thought the camera was dead, then I thought it was the cord... but it turned out that the archaic dell at school could upload the pictures, although it nearly had a seizure in the process. However! The pictures did not turn out well. They were s

ickeningly greenish, and the swatches I'd knitted up with plans of submitting to Knitty were nigh upon unrecognizable. So I had no intentions of uploading anything, until a long-distance friend was foolish enough to admit that my nose piercing made her squeamish.
"Well," thought I, "I might as well milk that for what it's worth. Oh, yes, I will catch her off-guard and post the pictures in my
knitting blog." Then, after some evil cackling, sporadic swearing, and too much effort, the crappy comp

uter let me upload files. To the left: me, in my bestudded glory. You can't tell that it's paua shell in the setting from the angle. Below and to the right: the yet-unfelted lunch bag.
Honestly, in person, my coloration does not bear quite that strong a resemblance to Reynolds Lopi forest green.
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