The means are now at hand. This afternoon, expecting to find, at best, another annoying Comcast leaflet in my mailbox, I stuck my hand in... and came out with a manilla envelope. My first thought was terror -is that my grad school application?- and then my next thought was "I knew she was up to something when she asked for my address." She being B. Zedan (, a collaboratrice, fellow crafter, and entity of the internets. I clawed through the packaging and found:

This picture (my camera is getting closer and closer to death) in no way justly portrays this gift. Two sets of eensy teensy dpns! TWO!
So awesome.
Man, I was worried when I first looked at the pins, because they are so alien to me. I think I was expecting the length to be proportional to the diameter.
I am glad that you like 'em!
That's so exciting...SURPRISE!
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