They're finished and lovely, but I swear I can't get a decent picture of them-- I've given up trying. Just be assured that they're adorable, all right? And I'm going to have to wash this GGH wool, because itchy is something it is very good at.
I actually have a third of these socks lying around-- the cuff was far too long for me, but I only decided this when I was halfway done with the foot. I ended up decreasing the cuff length by one pattern repeat, and the foot by half a pattern repeat. Cute, and fun, but an easy pattern to drop a stitch in (also one that's not terrible fun to rip out. I hate ripping out lace).
I think I need to buy myself a pair of addi's in a size 1 or 2; these socks have been the project in the bottom of my backpack for about three months now, and I was forever misplacing single dpns in the lining of the bag. This meant a lot of cursing at work.
Cute. I like the pattern (what I can see of it, but I know what pattern it is). I think it would weird me out to have my toes show so much in socks though. But I'm a big sock person all around.
Toes show so much? I'm a little confused-- do you mean the lace parts
(the pattern shows up better at http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEwinter05/PATTpomatomus.html)
Nice socks. I mean to make them too, one day.
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